Fulfilling the needs of the profession
Motivated by the belief that ensuring peoples welfare starts with the continual improvement of the education of everyone working in practice, Research Council of Health strives to provide the highest standards of learning and to develop qualifications that reflect the current – and changing – needs of the profession.

The New Era initiative was launched with a survey to determine whether there was a requirement within the industry for a fresh approach to healthcare training. The survey targeted the healthcare industry as a whole and subsequently enabled the profession to help shape qualifications that fulfilled the needs of employers and students alike.
Following the survey, it was identified that there was significant support from the profession for new qualifications – in particular, for training programmes that were practice-based, placed an emphasis on practical competencies and reduced the concentration on administrative paperwork. Consequently, taking into consideration the feedback gained from the consultations, some new diploma qualifications were formed . As a result Research Council of Health (RCH) became the first independent awarding body of its kind to offer innovative healthcare qualifications.
A fresh approach

Research Council of Health (RCH) strives to improve accessibility and quality of training in the profession. With direct input from professionals and education consultants, Research Council of Health (RCH) qualifications has been designed in response to the current needs of the industry and as deliverable within the working practice.
Research Council of Health (RCH) provides flexibility to use different delivery styles and structures of teaching, whilst also providing a greater level of guidance for both students and tutors. Research Council of Health (RCH) also encourages a team-based approach to training, with multiple coaches and tutors; therefore, dependency of teaching, coaching and mentoring is removed from the individual, and instead, allows students to benefit from the experience of an entire team during their education.
Innovations in learning

To aid delivery and student learning, Research Council of Health (RCH) have developed an online system for recording clinical assessments. The Central Online Log (COL) is a work-based learning and communication tool that forms an integral part of student's development. Every practical task is featured on the COL and accompanied by explanatory notes, providing clarity and guidance to the student, as well as standardisation.
Furthermore, on completion of practical tasks, students are able to upload pictorial and media evidence via Smartphone, tablet or web, as well as monitor their progress and record achievements. The system supports and encourages the use of any media form, thereby increasing the quality of evidence recorded.
The COL also supports Research Council of Health (RCH) 's team approach to learning. All members of the practical teaching team can access a student's record to monitor progress and update data. Verifiers can additionally view interactions between the student and clinical coach/practical tutor, and verify that the evidence uploaded meets the requirements of the qualification.
The future of blended learning is bright

The New Era focuses on better educational programmes, as well as providing further opportunities for healthcare professionals in practice.
These qualifications are now available for delivery and utilise the COL, therefore experience gained can be quality assured and transferred where appropriate.